Elections: Behind the Scenes
This video was created for Maryland State Board of Elections and provides an educational overview of the many important processes elections staff carry out to prepare for an election.
2020 Presidential General Election: Requesting a Mail-in Ballot: An Overview
This video was created for Maryland State Board of Elections to educate voters about how to request a mail in ballot for the 2020 Presidential General Election.
2020 Presidential General Election: Receiving and Returning your Mail-in Ballot: An Overview
This video was created for Maryland State Board of Elections to educate voters about how to return their ballot for the 2020 Presidential General Election.
Animation Demo Reel
Shot List
Shot 1. Underworld Nightclub: Flash CS3, Photoshop, After Effects: This shot is from my thesis film called Hour 13. All visuals and animation are mine. Many of the characters were designed based off of Ancient Egyptian gods and were animated using Flash. The background was built using Photoshop. The characters and backgrounds were combined using After Effects.
Shot 2. Underworld River: Flash CS3, Photoshop, Maya 8.0, After Effects: This shot is from my thesis film, Hour 13. I did all of the visuals and animation.
Shots 3-6. Flash CS3, Photoshop, After Effects: These shots are all from my thesis film called Hour 13. All visuals and animation are mine. The backgrounds were built using Photoshop. The characters and backgrounds were then combined using After Effects.
Shot 7. Victorian House: Maya 8.0, Photoshop: I did the design, textures, lighting, and matte painting for this piece. The model was built by Christopher Ellis.
Shots 8-10. Flash CS3, Photoshop, After Effects: These shots are all from my thesis film called Hour 13. All visuals and animation are mine. The characters were designed and animated using Flash. The backgrounds were built using Photoshop. The characters and backgrounds were then combined using After Effects.